Seed Mix Eiweißbrot Backmischung
Seed Mix Eiweißbrot Backmischung

Seed Mix High Protein Bread Baking Mix 3x200g

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Seed Mix Eiweißbrot Backmischung

Seed Mix High Protein Bread Baking Mix 3x200g

Regular price €14,99
Sale price €14,99 Regular price €15,99
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Zutaten: Sonnenblumenmehl teilentölt, Gold-Leinsamenmehl teilentölt, Leinsamenmehl braun, teilentölt, Kürbiskerne,Hühnereiweißpulver, Lupinenmehl, Sonnenblumenkerne, Leinsaat, Sesam, pflanzliche Nahrungsfasern (Psyllium), Speisesalz, Säuerungsmittel Gluconodelta Lacton sowie Natriumhydrogencarbonat (Backtriebmittel)

Durchschnittl. Nährwerte / 100g.

Brennwert                   1231 kj / 297 kcal

Fett                                         20,5 g.

davon ges. Fettsäuren           2,1 g.

Kohlenhydrate                       4,0 g.

davon Zucker                          1,8 g.

Eiweiß                                    19,2 g.

Salz                                           1,2 g.


Rezeptvorschlag: Protein Fougasse

250 g. Quark sowie 150 ml Wasser sowie 50 ml Olivenoel in eine Schuessel geben.

Dann 50 g Schinkenwuerfel, 40 g schwarze Oliven, sowie 10g. frische Backhefe und 3 getrocknete Tomaten sowie 2 Essloeffel Nutringo French Provence hinzugeben.

Einen Fladen formen und bei 55 – 60 Minuten Ihr Protein Fougasse fertig backen.

Keto bread - quick & easy homemade

You don't have to be a baker's wife to make your own protein bread. But on the contrary! Because our protein bread baking mix should not only make you a healthy and tasty bread, you should also enjoy preparing it. And it is really quick and easy to make.

For a classic 500gr keto bread you only need:

  • curd (also vegan possible)
  • 100ml water
  • 200gr baking mix
  • Tip: some vegetable oil

Since the baking mixture does not contain yeast, there is no rising time and you can also bake all ingredients directly in the baking machine.

Paleo bread baking mix - so tasty & healthy

Our high protein bread is not only easy to make, it is also full of good ingredients that give your body what it needs.

  • Gold linen and linseeds are full of high-quality Omega-6 fats
  • Lupines contain a lot of protein, minerals and fibre
  • Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds provide the nutty taste and at the same time supply important fats and minerals

Of course our Paleo bread baking mix contains only ingredients from natural and controlled cultivation. And since there are no allergenic traces of nuts or almonds in the product, allergy sufferers can also bite into the deliciously crunchy protein bread with pleasure!

Nutringo High Protein Bread Baking Mix 3x200g

Would you like some fresh, crispy bread? But don't feel like the effects of your gluten intolerance? Or do you live according to a certain diet in which carbohydrates have no place? Then our protein-protein baking mix in a practical starter pack is the perfect bread solution for you!

Why a protein bread mix?

As already mentioned, there are various reasons to do without conventional bread. Either because you can't tolerate the flour or it doesn't fit into your diet. But bread is delicious! And the renouncement is often difficult. But you don't have to chasten yourself at all, because there is also a bread without carbohydrates: the protein bread. This bread without flour and carbohydrates consists mainly of vegetable protein and valuable seeds. The perfect complement to your keto diet or your paleo-nutrition. In addition, with our protein bread baking mix you have an exact overview of what's in the bread and don't have to expect any unpleasant surprises like with ready-made baked goods. So allergy sufferers and diabetics are also on the safe side.

Hallo, kann man die Brotbackmischung auch im Backautomaten backen?

Welches Backprogramm muss man bei einem Backautomaten einstellen ?

Kann man das Brot auch im Programm Umluft backen, statt Ober-u. Unterhitze?

Ist die Backmischung frei von Haselnüssen oder Mandeln bzw. Spuren davon ?

Wieviel Gramm Brot erhalte ich mit einer 200g. Backmischung ?

Kann man die Brötchen oder das Brot nach dem Backen einfrieren ?

Ist es möglich anstatt Magerquark, auch laktosefrei und vegan zu backen?

Wieviel Kohlenhydrate und Kohlenhydrate hat ein fertig gebackenes Brot

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