Brot ohne Kohlehydrate backen - Silikonpapier für Backform
Brot Low Carb - Silikon Backpapier  10er Set
Keto Brot - Silkon Backpapier - 10er Set
Brot ohne Kohlehydrate backen - Silikonpapier für Backform
Brot Low Carb - Silikon Backpapier  10er Set
Keto Brot - Silkon Backpapier - 10er Set

Silicone baking paper (f. baking mould) - set of 10

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Brot ohne Kohlehydrate backen - Silikonpapier für Backform

Silicone baking paper (f. baking mould) - set of 10

Regular price €1,99
Sale price €1,99 Regular price
Unit price


Zutaten: Sonnenblumenmehl teilentölt, Gold-Leinsamenmehl teilentölt, Leinsamenmehl braun, teilentölt, Kürbiskerne,Hühnereiweißpulver, Lupinenmehl, Sonnenblumenkerne, Leinsaat, Sesam, pflanzliche Nahrungsfasern (Psyllium), Speisesalz, Säuerungsmittel Gluconodelta Lacton sowie Natriumhydrogencarbonat (Backtriebmittel)

Durchschnittl. Nährwerte / 100g.

Brennwert                   1231 kj / 297 kcal

Fett                                         20,5 g.

davon ges. Fettsäuren           2,1 g.

Kohlenhydrate                       4,0 g.

davon Zucker                          1,8 g.

Eiweiß                                    19,2 g.

Salz                                           1,2 g.


Rezeptvorschlag: Protein Fougasse

250 g. Quark sowie 150 ml Wasser sowie 50 ml Olivenoel in eine Schuessel geben.

Dann 50 g Schinkenwuerfel, 40 g schwarze Oliven, sowie 10g. frische Backhefe und 3 getrocknete Tomaten sowie 2 Essloeffel Nutringo French Provence hinzugeben.

Einen Fladen formen und bei 55 – 60 Minuten Ihr Protein Fougasse fertig backen.

The brown recyclable silicone paper, fits the wooden baking tin Art. No. 14020.

Prevents direct contact of the loaf with the baking form and your protein seed mix can be removed from the paper equally easily

  • - retains liquids
  • - Temperature resistant from -20°C to +240°C
  • - Oven suitable
  • - Suitable for microwaves
  • - tasteless
  • - food safe

Material: silicone paper

You can return non-food products within 14 days.

We are not allowed to take back food, packaging and products that come into direct contact with food for legal reasons.

Weight: 5 g, 10 pieces / carton

The brown recyclable silicone paper, fits the wooden baking tin Art. No. 14020.

Prevents direct contact of the loaf with the baking form and your protein seed mix can be removed from the paper equally easily

  • - retains liquids
  • - Temperature resistant from -20°C to +240°C
  • - Oven suitable
  • - Suitable for microwaves
  • - tasteless
  • - food safe

Material: silicone paper

You can return non-food products within 14 days.

We are not allowed to take back food, packaging and products that come into direct contact with food for legal reasons.

Weight: 5 g, 10 pieces / carton


The brown recyclable silicone paper, fits the wooden baking tin Art. No. 14020.


Prevents direct contact of the loaf with the baking form and your protein seed mix can be removed from the paper equally easily

  • - retains liquids
  • \r\n\t
  • - Temperature resistant from -20°C to +240°C
  • \r\n\t
  • - Oven suitable
  • \r\n\t
  • - Suitable for microwaves
  • \r\n\t
  • - tasteless
  • \r\n\t
  • - food safe
  • \r\n

Material: silicone paper


You can return non-food products within 14 days.


We are not allowed to take back food, packaging and products that come into direct contact with food for legal reasons.


Weight: 5 g, 10 pieces / carton


Hallo, kann man die Brotbackmischung auch im Backautomaten backen?

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Kann man die Brötchen oder das Brot nach dem Backen einfrieren ?

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Wieviel Kohlenhydrate und Kohlenhydrate hat ein fertig gebackenes Brot

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